Saturday, February 11, 2012

Carter Looks Great in Pink!

So much has happened in a month!!!  Of course the pinnacle of Carter's journey was last week when he received his new heart.  If you have been following along you know by now that he received a new heart last week and went into transplant surgery that same night.  For the past few days he has been in the Intensive Care Unit recovering with his family.  He has been pretty heavily sedated and has been groggy and kinda slow to wake up.  But I am very happy to let you all know that starting yesterday he has been waking up and today he is awake and Teresa and Erick are able to hold him!  He is eating and drinking on his own and doing great.  Hopefully he will be out of the ICU in a day or so.  For now they are trying to keep him relaxed and quietly recovering without too much stress.  Some family and friends have been able to come and see him and as always Teresa and Erick are so thankful for the support!

The most exciting thing for Teresa and Erick is to see their little boy without the previously ever present blueish tint to his skin.  Before the transplant Carter was always struggling to get enough oxygen to his body which left him always looking a little cold.  He always had a slight blueish color to his skin, especially in his extremities such as his toes and nail beds.  But now, they have a PINK, warm baby boy.  Here is a picture of this little miracle of life!

These are the types of moments that need to be celebrated!

Thank you everyone for his birthday wishes and your continuing prayers and support.  I will continue to keep you updated as Carter recovers.

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